
Enterprise Reporting



HR leaders in large organizations were struggling to find the data they needed in order to see how their people were using 15Five and the impact 15Five was having on their people.

The limitations of the existing reporting wasn’t helping go-to-market teams demonstrate adoption and more importantly, the impact 15Five has in an organization. This made renewal conversations harder.

Our data was unreliable, different systems showed different numbers, and no one had a clear understanding of how data points were defined.


Combed through over 300 pieces of customer feedback to categorize and develop higher level themes.

Partnered closely with PM to prioritize a large set of themes and requests into actionable chunks of work.

Future proofed the reporting information architecture and created a reporting specific design system that could easily grow and evolve as 15Five adds more reporting functionality.


I worked with a Product Manager, two frontend Engineers, one backend Engineer and one data Engineer

UX Design
User REsearch
User REsearch

Released in 2019


We read and categorized over 300 pieces of customer feedback to identify the top reporting themes

At 15Five, I helped create a robust process for documenting customer feedback. Going through existing feedback was a great way to identify the high level questions we could answer with our reporting solution that we could then validate during user research calls.


I led a collaborative ideation session with engineers, product people and members of the customer success team

Led 3 crazy eights exercises over the course of an hour, where different team members got to share their ideas of how we could represent different datapoints to 15Five admins. The remote nature of our team meant we used zoom and Slack to share hand drawn sketches.


We had the opportunity to learn from some of our amazing customers custom reporting solutions

Some customers leveraged 15Fives API to build their own dashboards and reports. They helped shed light onto how they use data to demonstrate the value of 15Five to their teams.


Based on our initial findings and ideation, we created a rough working prototype to test

We created a very rough working prototype to test with customers. We believed that letting customers interact with a working prototype with their real data was more important than showing them beautiful looking mocks.

Our findings

We validated which data points matter most to HR leaders

We validated the exact data points HR leaders are looking for when it comes to 15Five usage and it's impact.

Make reporting actionable

Admins need to be able to take key actions based on the data they see.

People can't trust the data if they don't understand it

We learned that clearly communicating how different data points have been calculated increases trust in the data. 

Designing the foundations of enterprise reporting in 15Five


Objectives Dashboard


What we accomplished

The tactical reporting project laid the foundation for more dashboards & insights
Reporting is no longer an obstacle in renewal conversations
Unreliable data is no longer a problem
The volume of reporting feedback we receive today is significantly less


Dream Career


Mobile App


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