Mobile Log in



On the web platform, we've observed that users have trouble logging in because they don't know whether to use SSO login or email login. On mobile, we have the added complication that we may not always know the users tenant when they hit the log in screen.


Help a majority of users land on a tenant specific log in experience
Eliminate the SSO vs. email login confusion and make logging in fool proof


I worked with a Product Manager and two React Native Engineers

UX Design
Visual Design

Released in 2022


Getting people into the right tenant

People don’t log into Tradewing like they would for Facebook, they actually log into a specific tenant or domain. We’ve found that users don’t necessarily know their domain name from memory, so asking them to enter a domain name in the mobile log in flow seemed like a big point of friction.

Solution #1

Mobile app download links should retain tenant information

Solution #2

Multiple entry points through which a user can access a download link

Solution #3

Persistent Mobile App download links in all emails


Eliminating the SSO vs. Email login confusion

Many Tradewing tenants have SSO enabled and tied to a member management software, which is not quite like the Google SSO you see everywhere. The choice between AMS SSO and Email log in creates friction and leads to higher dropoff. The new mobile app is an opportunity to test a new login flow that increases successful log in and activation rates.

Solution #1

Eliminate the AMS SSO Option from the mobile login flow

Solution #2

Instead of entering a password, send an account confirmation email


We won't always know the tenant

Even though we make it easy for users to log in directly into a specific tenant, not knowing a users tenant is possible if they download the app by searching the app store. Also, there might be the case where one email is tied to multiple tenants.

Solution #1

Unbranded login screen where the user can input their email.

Solution #2

If an email is tied to 2+ tenants, let the user select which one to log into.


Measuring success

Beta customers had a positive reaction to eliminating the AMS SSO Option

Login success metrics for Beta customers are still in progress


Mobile App


Dream Career


Feed Redesign