Member Management and Dues Collection



Increase the annual contract value and stickiness of the Tradewing product by creating a system of record for association memberships and revenue

design challenges

Design the first version of a beastly and complex product
Become familiar with accounting concepts to design intuitive user experiences
Disrupt an antiquated space and leverage good UX as a competitive advantage


I worked with a Product Manager, CTO, two frontend Engineers and three backend Engineers

User research
UX Design

In Development, 2022


Scoping the first version of a large product

We started by looking at existing solutions to understand the typical features competitors offer. Once we had a good idea of what the space looks like, we talked to 8 existing customers using different solutions with different levels of sophistication.

Competitor Benchmarking

We looked at several competitors in the member management space to understand their feature set and see what our current customers use on a daily basis.

User research with existing customers

We spoke to 8+ customers to understand how they  manage their memberships and what they expect from a member management and dues collection solution.

SOME HIGH LEVEL findings...

Competitor products are flexible to a fault

Competitors offer a broad set of highly customizable features. Associations often need to hire expensive consultants to help them manage or update their system.

An opportunity to automate workflows and save time

Some associations have less sophisticated member management and dues collection solutions that require a lot of manual work. E.g. A  spreadsheet that gets manually updated

Corporate memberships are a top tier need

Corporate memberships are widely needed across different types of associations. A member management solution would not be complete without them.

Complex pricing models need to be supported

Despite our hypothesis that pricing would be simple for most associations, more than half of the customers we spoke to required complex formula based pricing.


Peeling the onion

Despite our user research and benchmarking, there were things about the member management space we didn’t know until we actually dove into creating a solution. Mocks were often the driving force in defining business rules and concepts.


Prioritizing essential features for V1

After talking to 8 customers, we were able to identify patterns that helped us narrow down the crucial features we needed in order to release a first version. There are needs that won't be addressed at first, but we feel confident that we're covering the most important workflows.


Adding and updating individual memberships

Adding and updating corporate memberships

Seamless member experience

Managing people

Adding & updating new member profiles

Adding & updating prospect profiles

Admin workflows to manage memberships


Automatic membership  renewals

Easy payments flow for one-off payments

Admins manually receiving payments


Track existing membership health

Track association membership growth

Track association revenue and transactions


Creating and managing Membership types

Allowing admins to create and manage a diverse set of membership types their members can choose from.


Adding and managing people

Allowing admins to add and manage members and non-members in a way that feels intuitive to them.


Profile Details Page

Allowing admins to view and manage information about individuals in their system, allowing them to take actions like create new memberships, collect payments manually, extend or even terminate memberships.


What we accomplished

This project is still in development, however, Tradewing has closed over 10 new contracts based on the expected V1 solution.


Dream Career


Mobile App


Mobile Log In